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Burger Burger

The team at Burger Burger order our Sourdough Buns as a gluten free and vegan option at their restaurants across

New Zealand. 


“We offer our customers a gluten free bun option as well as use it in our Vegan burger. We tried a lot of buns before finding Venerdi’s which is our favourite by far. It’s soft, fluffy and toasts up really well in the chargrill.”

– Mike, Head Chef, Burger Burger


Wise Boys

Our Sweet Potato Sourdough Buns are on the menu at Wise Boys as a gluten free option for their 100% vegan friendly food truck and restaurant. 


“The Venerdi gluten free bun was superior to anything else we tried. We’re finding many customers are choosing the GF bun not because they have a dietary requirement but because they just prefer it”

– Luke, Managing Director, Wise Boys

Corner Burger

With two locations in Mt Eden and Newmarket, Auckland, Corner Burger use our GF Sourdough buns as an option on all of their burger menu items.


“We love offering the great-tasting Venerdi Sourdough buns to our customers as a gluten free option. Being able to cater for food intolerances without compromising on flavour or texture means even more people can enjoy our delicious burgers.”

– Lysiane, Manager, Corner Burger


33a Cartwright Road
Kelston, Auckland, NZ 

09 813 5481

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